
Build a FTP Server with 「vsftpd」

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Computer-Science FTP

How to build the FTP Server quicly with 「vsftpd」?

Install service 「vsftpd」

In ubuntu, you just need to run the following command for installation:

1apt-get install vsftpd -y

Configure the vsftpd

You can find the config file of vsftpd in /etc/vsftpd.conf or /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf probably.

There have many settings, but mostly the options you only need to care are below:

  • anonymous_enable - If you want that the ftp is allow to connect by anonymous user, change it to YES.(NOT Recommended)
  • write_enable - Set it to YES to make the user writeable.
  • allow_writeable_chroot - Set it to YES to allow the user writeable in home directory.
  • chroot_local_user - When the option is set to YES, it means that the user can only access their home directory.
  • chroot_list_enable, chroot_list_file - These options usually work with chroot_local_user as an exception.
    • If chroot_local_user=YES
      • If chroot_list_enable=YES - This means all users are restricted to their home directory except the users in chroot_list_file.
      • If chroot_list_enable=NO - This means all users are restricted to their home directory and no exception.
    • If chroot_local_user=NO
      • If chroot_list_enable=YES - This means all users are NOT restricted to their home directory except the users in chroot_list_file.
      • If chroot_list_enable=NO - This means all users are NOT restricted to their home directory and no exception.
    • chroot_list_file=/etc/vsftpd/chroot_list - This option is setting where the chroot list file is, and the content of file looks like following:
      root, user1, user2
  • pam_service_name=ftp - The default value is vsftpd, but if you are setting the shell /usr/sbin/nologin to the ftp users, it’s gonna be not working probably. (ps. pls search by google for details)
  • userlist_enable - If set it to YES means can only the specific users be login in vsftpd.
  • userlist_deny - Opposite of userlist_enable option, if set it to YES means all users are allow to login in vsftpd except the specific users.
  • userlist_file=/etc/vsftpd/user_list - Setting where is the file for specific users in two above options.

Restart the service

Don’t forget to restart the service so it can run in the new configuration.

1service vsftpd restart
No one can stop my feet.


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