
Set nginx access password

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Computer-Science Nginx

How to make nginx website require password to access ?

Make authentication file

For example, I make the file in path /etc/nginx/htpasswd/, and name it my_auth.
Edit it, fill in the username you want to use to login (e.g. my_user), followed by the : symbol. (p.s. Dont break the new line)
Then save the file, type the following command to generate the password (change to your own path):

1openssl passwd -apr1 >> /etc/nginx/htpasswd/my_auth

Check the file, you should see the content looks like this:


For setting mutiple users:


Configure nginx

Edit config file of nginx.
For example, my config file is /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf, and I want to make the users require password when accessing path of website under /admin/, add the following settings in file (server block):

1location ~ /admin/ {
2  auth_basic  "Login to access files.";
3  auth_basic_user_file    /etc/nginx/htpasswd/my_auth;

p.s. Dont forget to change above content to your own path of auth file.

Make nginx reload the config

(Optional) Check it first: nginx -t

You can simply use command nginx -s reload to reload config, or restart the service service nginx restart.
And finished.

Now when you access the path of website, it will show such the input box:

Access with password
Access with password


No one can stop my feet.


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